Introducing Safeguarding Officers into Op Raptor
An Essex VVU initiative to have Police safeguarding officers attached to Police OpRaptor teams* has seen positive success in the early identification of young vulnerable people who are being exploited by criminal gangs. The safeguarding officers proactively identify young people who they believe are being exploited. This is achieved by officers attending operations which target […]
Supporting primary school children to stay safe online (Dec 2022)
As part of supporting schools with safety messages, the VVU recently supported Thurrock Community Safety Partnership and Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnership to fund a series of roadshows for Y5 and Y6 school children on how to stay safe online. In three days more than 2,000 Thurrock school children took part in an interactive presentation […]
Learn about detached youth work (Sept 2022)
We spent some time with Bar ‘n’ bus who lead detached youth work in Basildon. Detached youth workers spend time in the places young people hang out in order to get to know and form relationships with these young people. This form of youth work means the youth workers can engage with young people who […]