Essex Youth Offending Service: the lived experience of County Lines
Using the voices of young people and their lived experiences, the Essex Youth Offending Service (YOS) has created four dramatic, impactful, animated films on County Lines to use when training professionals. The Head of Essex Youth Offending Service, Tanya Gillett, identified there was a need for professionals across the county to gain more confidence when […]
Grants awarded from V&V funds during 2020/21 to local, small charities and not for profit organisations
We have been able to support many projects with extra funding during 2020/21. See the list of projects and the type of support provided.
Essex Problem Profile
Within Essex, community violence, 88.5% of all harm caused by suspects was attributable to 10% of all suspects; these results strongly support the conclusion that a very small number of individuals account for most of the harm. We are working to understand more about these individuals – often referred to as ‘Power Few’.
Listening Projects
In 2020, youth leaders across Southend, Essex and Thurrock engaged with more than 600 young people on the violence and vulnerability themes for 2020. The feedback from young people was exceptional and helped the violence and vulnerability unit to prioritise issues that young people felt were important.
Cuckooing training (March 2021)
We are running training sessions focussing on the subject of cuckooing for professionals in any area of work in which they might come into contact with potential victims of cuckooing. The intention is to raise awareness to allow participants to spot the signs and have the confidence to make a positive difference to the situation, or know who to refer to.
December 2020 – Merry Muletide campaign
Over the Christmas period we ran #MerryMuletide a social media campaign aimed at educating recreational drug users on where their “party” drugs have come from.