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Members of the VVU have been out visiting some of our grant funded projects this summer and on 7 August we popped into African Families in the UK’s community drop in.

This drop in includes youth provision and is one of the locations where one to one coaching and workshops funded through the V&V Community Grant takes place.

The evening we visited, the group had been planning on heading to the beach but instead met in the church hall and was an extremely busy session!

The session provides food – a hot meal – sports, board games, craft and toys for the children and young people, and a safe space for people (including young people) to drop in.

It gives young people the chance to build community connections and be surrounded by trusted adults. The session was around the time that protests and unrest were taking place in parts of the UK and within the group there was a real sense of people wanting to be together in a safe place.

One young person shared that they like coming here because it’s a place where they can have fun.  And on the evening we visited there was certainly a lot of laughter, smiles and fun!