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Applications welcome for our 25/26 community grant

Organisations are invited to now apply for the 2025 – 2026 VVU Community Grant. Groups can apply for up to £20,000 to deliver support and interventions for children, young people, young adults and families (families must include children, young people or young adults aged 0-24 inclusive).

Projects must demonstrate how they have a positive impact through protective factors on issues relating to serious violence.

Applications are welcomed from local ‘not-for-profit’ voluntary or community clubs, or organisations based in, and therefore delivering in, Essex, Southend and Thurrock.

In previous funding rounds grants have been awarded to projects that provide one to one support and mentoring, outdoor therapy sessions, youth club sessions, after-school clubs and support, sporting activities including drama and the arts, initiatives that run within schools, detached youth work and targeted support for vulnerable individuals.

The Listening Project gives more detail about concerns of young people in each district and borough in Essex, and also what they would like to see more of in order to help them feel safe, e.g. youth workers, safe places to hang out, free sports facilities. Applying organisations should consider this report and link the findings to their application.

For more information and to apply visit  The closing date for applications is noon on Monday 23 September.