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Results of 2024 listening project

The Listening Project is an annual event delivered by Essex Council for Voluntary Youth Services on behalf of the VVU which asks young people across Southend, Essex and Thurrock for their views on youth violence. This year 1434 young people took part and the results are now ready to be shared:

  • Knife crime is the top concern among young people county wide for the second year running, despite there being a county wide reduction in knife crime
  • 71% young people are worried about being exploited by a gang
  • 71% have seen serious violence content on social media involving people they know in their local area
  • Being with friends helps young people feel safe
  • Young people feel the safest at home

The Listening Project consists of face-to-face conversations between young people and trusted leaders in youth group settings, sports groups, schools, special interest groups and detached youth work across Essex. These face-to-face conversations allow topics to be discussed in great depth, in a safe space and for young people to access support if they need it.

The report is broken down into districts, boroughs and city locations which gives a unique insight into issues young people face locally. This local insight allows the VVU and other services to specifically tailor support and interventions according to the needs and concerns of the young people living in these areas. Helping us deliver the right services to the right places and at the right time.  The full report can be accessed here