Policy and Development Lead
I am Kirsty Gibbons lead for Policy and Development in the Essex VVU. My career to date has been with the National Probation Service in the East of England where I have worked for over 17 years. Prior to joining the team, I was Deputy Head of Service for North Essex Probation. This position afforded me the opportunity to work closely with local partners in influencing strategy and change. I know first hand the excellent partnership working within Essex which drives positive change and will underpin the work of the VVU due to the excellent partnership commitment.
I am passionate about working with young people and ensuring every person can reach their full potential; ensuring barriers are broken down to ensure all individuals are afforded the opportunity to do this.
I strongly believe in people’s ability to change and understand that desistance can take time, involving the individual working with them to ensure they are ‘active collaborators’ in their journey of change. Capturing service users’ voices to inform direction and policy is, in my view, a key component of addressing serious violence and adopting a public health approach. It is for all these reasons (and more!) that I am so excited to be part of Essex VVU.
In my personal life I can often be found on a football pitch rain or shine with one or all my children who are football crazy! When I do have some down time, I love a spa day and a good book!