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Learn more about gangs and exploitation: March 2022

In conjunction with Reach Every Generation and the Safer Chelmsford Partnership, we are running some free workshops for parents and carers to learn more about exploitation and how gangs operate.

If you have a child at secondary school and would like to improve your knowledge about grooming, gangs and county lines then sign up for one of our parent sessions.

There are four locations to choose from, and sessions will cover themes such as: the role of social media in recruitment, fear and trauma, behavioural patterns to look out for and reasons why young people are exploited.

Locations and booking links are below. All run from 7pm to 8.30pm

17 March: Boswells School, Burnham Road CM1 6LY

18 March: St John Payne School, Patching Hall Lane CM1 4BS

22 March: Hamptons Court and Leisure, Tydemans CM2 9FH

24 March: Chelmsford City Council, Duke St CM1 1JE